Monday, January 25, 2010

Got it!

Knocked out my first 20 miler of the year. Had a 9:09 pace, which I think was pretty good considering. According to my schedule, I have one more 20 miler to run before the race. STOP THE INSANITY!! :) Cowtown is about a month away. Hopefully the weather will be good this year.

Monday, January 18, 2010

No 20 miler

Well, I re-checked my schedule, thinking I had a 20 miler to run yesterday. I was off by a week. I had an 18 miler to do. So, I went out and knocked out the 18 miler. Felt pretty good actually. Ran a nice slow pace and made it through just fine. next week is the 20 miler. Just over a month out from Cowtown.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


An entire week now of 20 degrees or less outside. Oh well, guess it will have me ready for Cowtown. I just read their brochure. It said the average temp on race day is 51 degrees. BS!!!!! I have yet to run a race there where the temp was above 35 when we start. Training is going well. Going to try and hit a 20 miler next weekend. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Starting off 2010

Amy's birthday is today so, I knocked out my long run yesterday. Did a 16 miler at around a 9 minute pace. Glad I did get it done yesterday as we woke up to some snow and under 30 degrees outside. It still has not gone above 25 degrees. Felt ok on my run. Little twinge in my left knee but, doing fine. Got that "Just got in a good workout" sore going on. Might have to do another long run tomorrow to work off the Chuck E Cheese day we just had. Less than two months out from Cowtown!! Happy New Year!!