Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Looking back on the goals I had set for the year of 2012. Well, goals are set to be reached or adjusted. They are never set to be defeated. If you let your goals get defeated, there is no need to set them as you will never be in a positive state of mind. I had a goal of running 2000+ miles this year. I hit 200 miles in one month and never saw anything close to that again. So, with that being said, I will adjust my goal to reach at least 1500 miles in 2012. I'm almost to 1000 miles, which I plan to reach by the end of August. That will leave me with four full months to complete this goal. Setting my goal at 1500 also allows me to reach that goal and beyond. I look forward to the challenge as I have brought some new friends into the mix. I have a new Lieutenant working for me who is really wanting to get involved in several of the races I have signed up for. We are running the Heart & Sole half marathon in Sept. I should be able to convince him to run at leat the half marathon at MidSouth in Nov. We are looking at a Ragnar relay race in the near future as well. I have come to the realization that speed is not always the necessity. Just getting the miles in seems to be the main drive now. Another goal I have is really non-running related. We've been here in Arkansas for around 3 1/2 years now. Been away from Lompoc, CA since 1997. The time has come for me to work on getting Deb closer to home. She made the sacrifice of moving away from her family to follow me in my career. I promised her, in 1997, to get her back to California. Here we are, 15 years later and it is time to work on getting back that way. My girls are Cali girls by heart. Cali is my second home. Ohio will always be where I'm from. The Ohio Sate Buckeyes will always be my team. However, I will be a West Coast fella. Looking forward to running many marathons out West and just enjoying life. Come back here often as, once we get back out that way, I will flood this page with race results and preparations. Stay tuned my friends! :)

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