Monday, July 23, 2012

Losing My Mind

Once again, I finally made it back to here. The constant issues at work have kept me busier than a Redneck in a barnyard full of sheep. However!!!!! I have officially started my marathon training for my 13th full marathon. This will take place in Wynne, Arkansas, at the MidSouth marathon. This will be my fourth running of MidSouth. One half and three fulls. This is a fast course. I BQ'd here last yere, by 19 seconds. Leading up to this race, I have a couple smaller races to contend with. Running the Heart & Sole half marathon on Sept 29. Also, looking at a 5K Mud Run in Jonesboro, Arkansas on Sept 8. The Muckas have teamed up with a local group to set up a 5K at Village Creek State Park on Oct 13. Gotta keep my race calendar full or I get out of whack on my training. With that being said, this heat and humidity are playing Hell with my training. Many of my runs are taking place on the treadmill. That really gets boring after so long. Not to mention, it gets easier to cheat on the treadmill. At least when you run outside, you run out so far. Then, you have to turn around and run back so you can get home. So, that makes better sense. :) Just ran with the Muckas last Saturday and was really enjoying our run when my work phone went off. Yes, I carry my work phone with me when I run. I'm the Captain, I have to. Back to the phone call. I let it go initially. I told Jody that the caller could leave a message. He laughed and said, "I guess if they call right back, you know something is up." I think he cursed me because that is exactly what happened. It rang again and I had to answer. Not to mention making a follow up call to the boss after taking the call from work. We set off again only to be stopped by the longest train in the world. We waited for a good 5-minutes before we could get across the tracks. Another half mile in and we saw an elderly woman broke down in her vehicle, in the middle of the road. Sooooo, we stopped and helped push her vehicle out of traffic. That was the longest 6-miles I think I ever ran. No matter what stands in your way of getting the run done, never give up. The run is a very rewarding experience and only helps you run the stress away. Keep smiling everyone.

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