Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sweaty Hot

We had our group run today. We started at 7:30 am in an attempt to beat the heat. Needless to say, we didn't miss it. We had temps in the 80s, and the humidity was kicking. Seven Muckas showed up. Deb, Brandon, Holly, Sherry, Kristen and Donna. This was Donna's first run with the group since Little Rock. We've missed her. She told us, this morning, she had run a 5 K last weekend and an "old man" beat her. She said it was time to get her running legs back. :)

Well, we started off and Deb and Sherry took the lead. They run well together. They seem to hel push each other, which we all know is a great thing to have help. I think we were all pretty soaked in sweat before we hit the first mile. I was running with Brandon and Holly. We decided to run the four mile loop. As we ran past the high school, we saw Donna plugging away. We weren't sure where Deb and Sherry were. I thought they were running faster. Holly said they probably followed us on the four mile loop. Once we hit Lemons, by the elementary school, things really heated up. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of shade on that street and we all struggled through this section. As the three of us finished our run, we walked back dowager the stop sign and saw Deb and Sherry rounding the corner. Followed by Donna. No Kristen. We continued to backtrack the course to find her. After a mile, and no sightings of her, we started running again.

By the time we got back to the church, we saw Kristen there with the rest of the ladies. Everyone was accounted for. Holly and I finished out at six miles. Once we finished, the sweat puddles grew. The gnats continued to hound us. We all stood around, dehydrating, trying to cool off, and planning out our trip to Tupelo. Looking like we're going to have a great Mucka showing in Tupelo. Let's go Muckas!!!

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