Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bad Weather

Well folks, we have been getting pounded by bad weather lately. Last night's storms swept across Arkansas and just hammered the entire state. One town was said to be completely wiped out. The storm that hit Wynne had winds up to 80 mph. As I came to work today, I saw many trees down. Fortunately, I did not see any damage to homes. Of course, I didn't go through the entire town. Still have to check out our home as well.

With that being said, runs outside get more and more interesting. Currently getting ready to knock out a run with Kevin B. The temps are at 74 degrees with 80% humidity. And, as I look out my window, the skies are looking threatening again. Well, the weather man did say we are expecting another round of storms tonight. Hoping they are not as bad as last night.

One thing I can say about the wind and humidity, this is definitely getting me ready for the Jonesboro Marathon on May 28. I just need to add some more hills to this training. Fortunately, I have a good buddy, Barrett, who is going to help pace me through the hills once he finishes his portion of the relay. He's the first leg so, he should be rested and waiting by the time I get there. LOL!

Well, time to start getting my mind into this run. Hope everyone stays safe out there. Watch out for the one's behind the wheels of their vehicles. You know they're not watching out for you.

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